Take Charge of Your Health - Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine is healing-oriented rather than disease-focused.

- Anonymous
Integrative Medicine: Complements Conventional Clinical Care
with Therapies to Improve Health Outcomes

The landscape of medicine in the U.S. has been slowly progressing toward Integrative Medicine, which is a more holistic and personalized approach to healing. The Integrative Medicine approach to healthcare considers the mind, body, and spirit of the patient and is becoming the standard for quality care in leading hospitals and clinics. Some of the key principles of Integrative Medicine include:

  • A strong partnership between the patient and their healthcare team

  • A comprehensive outlook on health

  • Use of both conventional and complementary medicines and modalities within a coordinated care plan

  • A focus on non-invasive treatments when possible

  • A clear emphasis on promoting health and preventing illness through long term, proactive healthy living habits

Complementing traditional clinical medicine, integrative therapies provide evidence-based, supportive care to address the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges of illness. Integrative Medicine focuses on blending the best personalized clinical plan with the best personalized support resources to aid with the symptoms of illness, the side effects of conventional medical treatments, as well as disease prevention. Integrative Medicine focuses on preventive care to gain a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s health status and to find ways to proactively identify and address health issues before they develop.

Provided by licensed, certified practitioners and well-coordinated with the patient’s medical treatment plan, more and more patients are finding that integrative therapies are valuable resources that help stimulate the body’s natural healing ability, enhance comfort, strength, and well-being, regain a sense of control over their health, and provide hope.

Integrative therapies include:

  • Acupuncture/Acupressure for chronic pain control (and specifically joint pain), neuropathy, fatigue, nausea, and headaches

  • Chinese herbal medicine often used alongside acupuncture to relieve digestive disorders, strengthen the immune system, diminish side effects of challenging medical treatments, and support optimum function

  • Nutritional consulting to help with loss of appetite, food aversions, high blood pressure, and weight changes - nutritional guidance is designed to help achieve proper nutrient intake based on the patient’s specific medical condition, and a long-term outlook on healthy eating behaviors

  • Herbs and supplements (vitamins, herbs, and botanicals) can be helpful in cellular repair and regeneration and in minimizing drug side effects

  • Energy healing (Healing Touch and Reiki) for stress reduction, greater comfort, and activation of the body’s natural healing ability through freeing the body's energy fields

  • Psychotherapy for stress management, relieve depression, anxiety, and fear, and build resiliency and a positive mindset

  • Hypnotherapy to achieve a heightened state of concentration, create an openness in regard to perceptions, emotions, memories, thoughts, or behaviors and assist with conditions such as chronic pain, depression, PTSD, and insomnia

  • Therapeutic massage to help reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, decrease pain, increase circulation, improve range of motion and flexibility, and promote positive body awareness

  • Meditation/Mindfulness to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, mood disturbances, insomnia, blood pressure and heart rate as well as assist in coping skills

  • Tai Chi, Yoga, and Qigong to improve balance, strength, and stability, calm the mind and body, relieve stress, reduce pain, and increase quality of life

  • Expressive arts (art, music, dance, and writing therapies) to provide stress reduction, a stronger ability to cope with pain and loneliness, enhanced relaxation, mood improvement, and a sense of personal fulfillment

  • Aromatherapy with the application of essential oils (your skin absorbs the oils and you breathe them in) to relieve pain, anxiety and stress, improve mood, promote a sense of relaxation, and help with insomnia

  • Sound bath therapy to activate the parasympathetic nervous system that regulates breathing and heart rate, triggers the release of feel-good chemicals, and dampens pain signals - the vibrations and sounds from instruments help patients quiet their mind, reduce tension, improve mood, and sleep quality.

Integrative Medicine is reshaping the health care landscape because patients see results when they participate in this holistic, patient-centered, and effective approach and as a result demand is increasing. Rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach, Integrative Medicine takes into account the patient’s individual needs, preferences, and health goals. It enables patients to be active participants in their care and introduces them to new practices that can enhance their well-being and healing. As more and more research is conducted and additional evidence-based practices are established, the potential impact of Integrative Medicine on the future of healthcare is promising.

Interested in learning more? Here is what we suggest:

  • Research and learn about the integrative therapies that may be appropriate for you and valuable to your health, wellness, and quality of life

  • Discuss the benefits and risks of the therapies with your primary care physician and also seek the advice of highly qualified integrative medicine providers.

Integrative therapies do not replace treatments recommended by your medical team. The best care is whole person, coordinated care that blends clinical services with supportive care therapies. Remember to always let your physician or medical practitioner know of any integrative therapies you receive or are interested in pursuing.

Remember, it's up to you to be proactive and Take Charge of Your Health.

Joan HillComment