Be Clear About How You Feel and What You Want
Involved patients are healthier patients – experiencing higher quality of life, greater peace of mind, higher satisfaction levels and best of all, better outcomes. We are each a unique, "whole" person with many dimensions including including our physical, social, intellectual, emotional and spiritual components. When it comes to our health and well being, we need to consider and advocate for all these facets, not merely the physical symptoms of disease or diagnosis.
As you navigate the world of health care, we urge you to consider your needs, preferences, values and priorities and clearly communicate your goals and wishes to your health care team. Remember, just as medical professionals are experts in clinical services, you are the expert on you! Your input is essential to a more positive outcome. Armed with the knowledge and understanding of your values, beliefs and preferences, your care team will be better able to provide the patient-centered and patient-inspired care you want and you deserve.
The members of your health care team are not mind-readers, consequently, it is necessary for you to think about your wishes prior to seeking care. The prompts in the boxes below will help your health care team understand you more deeply and be better prepared to address areas that are most important to you as they look at you as a “whole” person and not solely as your physical diagnosis. The box on the right also provides you with some questions to help you gain clarity on issues surrounding your diagnosis and treatment plan. With a serious diagnosis as you journey through care planning, treatment and recovery, it is helpful to continuously consider your priorities and re-evaluate and reset, as appropriate.
Things Your Provider should Know about you:
I want the care providers helping me to know that I…
The most important information you need to know about me is…
In terms of my health, my three primary goals are…
What I would like you to know about my family is…
My religious faith/my spirituality (does/does not) impact my health care…and here’s how…
I learn best by…the way I prefer to receive information is…
I have any easy/hard time retaining things…
When faced with adversity, stress or challenge, what typically helps me cope is…
Specific areas where I am scared…anxious…concerned are…
On a scale of 1-10 (low to high), my anxiety level is at a __…
Lately, I have had significant challenges with…
What scares me the most is…
With a diagnosis consider the following:
Why do you think the recommended treatment is best for me...?
How effective is this treatment? When will I be cured/feel better/return to normal?
In terms of my treatment, I don’t understand...
What would you recommend in terms of support for my side effects?
What supportive care would be appropriate or valuable to me?
I need help with finances, insurance, transportation, translation, etc...
The people I want or do not want involved in decision-making are…
Three months…six months…one year from now, I hope I can…