Take Charge of Your Health - Diffusing Negative Thinking In Stressful Times

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.

-Willie Nelson

Diffusing Negative Thinking In Stressful Times

Today we all face many unknowns and challenges linked to pressing world issues - the ongoing COVID pandemic, an unsteady economic environment, social unrest, global political concerns, the energy crisis, and climate change, to name a few. Not to mention the personal disappointments, frustrations, and setbacks we all experience, whether they be related to our family life or career.

Life can be overwhelming and as we search for solutions, negative thought patterns can form and continue to loop around and around in our minds making it very hard to be productive, positive, or content. Negative filters drain our energy, increase our irrational thoughts, add worry and fear, provoke more anxiety, and potentially lead to depression.

Some examples of negative thoughts or patterns include: always seeing things as all or nothing; jumping to negative conclusions; magnifying your problems and minimizing your accomplishments or successes; blowing things out of proportion; and having a highly pessimistic attitude or view of life.

Now more than ever, it is important to identify our negative thought patterns and focus on positive thoughts and emotions that can actually reduce stress and increase our confidence and joy. If we consider things through a healthy, “can do” filter, we will experience less anxiety and stress, greater mental clarity, and have more success in dealing with the unpredictability and challenges at hand. By lowering stress, we can also build our resilience which potentially helps avoid some serious medical conditions such as heart attack or stroke.

These are some tips on developing a positive outlook:

  • Ask yourself “How can I make the best of this situation?”

  • Let go of all negative feelings such as resentment or envy

  • Remove “should” thoughts

  • Remove self-criticism

  • Focus on all that is going well in your life - keep a list of people and things you are grateful for

  • Identify your key personal strengths and find ways to use them to make you feel better/happier

  • Savor, enjoy, and appreciate the present moment

  • Engage in activities that support your physical, mental, and emotional well-being

    • Get a good night of sleep

    • Exercise regularly at home or join a class if that helps encourage you

    • Eat healthy, fresh foods

    • Spend time outside - enjoy nature

  • Socialize with family and friends and set up times to be together without distractions

  • Engage in open and honest communications

  • Focus on being flexible and adaptable to change

  • Concentrate on activities that give your life meaning and purpose

  • Be supportive and compassionate - have empathy for others

  • Volunteer in an activity that interests you and provides assistance to others

  • Practice mindfulness and meditation.

If you feel you are unable to manage your negative thoughts and it is interfering with your ability to enjoy life seek professional support to help get back on track.

As always, join us on the Health-E³ website blog page We look forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences. Feel free to ask questions about anything on the website or suggest ideas for additional helpful information. And remember, it's up to you to Take Charge of Your Health.

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