Take Charge of Your Health - Positive Vision. Positive Action. Positive Results.

We must be the change we want to see in the world.

- Mahatma Gandhi

  Everyone can agree on one thing this year: it has been one of the most challenging as we face COVID-19, social  injustice, an economic crisis, and devastating weather events. Most of us have experienced changes across many facets of our lives -- our employment, finances, health, housing, education, and our relationships with one another. Some things we can control; others are well beyond our control and leave us mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted.

          So let’s take a moment to regroup, think positive, and focus on some of the silver linings these challenges provide:

  • Raising our consciousness on the fragile and the precious nature of our lives. Greater appreciation.

  • Having the time to slow down and take time to really think and reassess our priorities. Clarifying and reminding ourselves of our core values.

  • Placing priority on our family and friends – their health and their safety. A deeper understanding of the value of spending time together. Deeper communications and closer relationships.

  • Strengthening our resilience and recognizing how we gain power when we unify and focus on what is most important.

  • Recognizing the indispensable nature and worth of doctors, nurses, teachers, and all of the front line workers who put themselves and their families at risk to care for others. Making time to voice our appreciation of them and provide with small acts of kindness in return.

  • A shift in perspective with an emphasis on our collective experience and a focus on collaboration, harmony, and sacrifice for the good of “all.”

  • Expansion from a focus on ourselves to our community, our country, and the potential for new levels of global unity and responsibility.

  • Finding purpose. Understanding the importance of contributing and working to make a significant difference in the lives of others.

  • Greater empathy, compassion and generosity.

  • Being nimble. Growing our flexibility and adaptability as we have to adjust to working remotely, home schooling our children, or simply dealing with situations we have never faced before.

  • Opportunities to reassess, break the mold, innovate, and find new, better, more effective, and more efficient ways to do things. A great example would be the development and distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine in record time.

  • Focusing on people of color, acknowledging and prioritizing those who are disadvantaged, and the development of more equitable, accessible and democratic services and systems.

  • Greater emphasis on respect for our mind and body, our well being and self care – including exercise, nutrition, finding balance, hygiene, mindfulness, and meditation.

  • Appreciating nature and finding creative ways to entertain ourselves outdoors, indoors and in healthy ways

  • Acknowledgment of flaws in our public service systems, understanding that we need better preparation, and the development of solutions for the next time crisis befalls us.

          Instead of holding on too tightly to what are our losses, try and spend some time focusing on these silver linings: the opportunities of improving what is to come, and how we can thrive, together.         

         As always, join us on the Health-E³ website blog page. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences. Feel free to ask questions about anything on the website or suggest ideas for additional helpful information. And remember, it's up to you to Take Charge of Your Health.

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